Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm a sucker for a hug

I gave in. After those emails, I sucked it up and called Kare. I obviously wasn't upset with her (not really) about giving Chuck permission to take Even, but I did issue an ultimatum. He goes and signs the divorce papers this week, or else he is not taking girlie to Utah. I have all the right in the world to say that. So let's see what gets done. I'm going too. I already had tickets, plus I miss it there. Lots of friends to catch up with, especially one who had a baby 3 months ago that I've never met. And the mountains. Oh god I miss those mountains. It's quite a shocker to go from gorgeous mountains in my backyard, to nothing, nada. Flat lands as far as you can see.

Back at work today. Blegh...only one week though until my 2 week sabatical. Is it weird that I'm actually looking forward to being in the hospital? I loved being there when I had girlie, but that may have been that I had help with her while I was scared to death! Plus, all the special attention was quite nice. Going to stock up on my books (I have a huge pile next to my bed waiting to be read), books on cd, etc. I'm just afraid going off the meds cold turkey is going to suck ass. So it may not be suck a great week. And no candy. I already quit the caffeine about a month ago. Worst 3 days of my life. The flip side is I can actually sleep! I used to have to take 2 and a tylenol pm to sleep. Not anymore! I'm leaving all that coffee, red bull and diet coke behind. I'm going to try to not get back on it when I'm done with the hospital. I have to remind myself of all the money I'll save!

Guess I should get some work done.

1 comment:

Chastity said...

I'm so sorry I'm late responding. I'm not sure any advice I would have given would have helped much, and truly, I'm not sure if I'd have been able to find any good advice to give.

I hope your hospital stay goes well, and I pray that your visit to Utah goes as smoothly as possible!