Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I complain a lot

Last night I had my night class. My dad usually drives 1.5 hours to come get girlie and babysit, but he couldn't last night. I had my friend do it, a girl who did a lot with my last night class. She is super nice, and she and her husband are so welcoming and generous, and I'm so glad I met them. They call me up a lot to come over, babysit for free...etc. But...last night I went to drop girlie off, walked in the house, and the 1 year old was sitting on the couch, and the 2 year old was strapped into the high chair. Their mom was no where to be seen. I probably stood around for 5 minutes waiting for the mom (Beth). In the meantime, the 1 year old crawled over to me, while to 2 year old just sat in the high chair. Beth finally comes in from outside from a smoke break, carrying a book. For some reason, this really bothered me. Well, I guess the reason should be pretty obvious. I could never leave girlie alone for that long, at least when she was that little. The 2 year old was in the high chair because she kept peeing in her training pants. What??? She's barely 2. I don't agree with that method of training. You can't get upset with a child when that happens, because that's what happens! I don't know, that just made me a little upset. I would never say anything to her, as she's been such a good friend to me, but I was just surprised. Reminded me of a book that my sister in law bought to try to potty train my nephew. It's all about being mean to the kid! Getting really angry when they have an accident, saying "That's bad! Big boys don't pee in their pants!" What the fuck? Who does that??? Let's talk about a potty complex!

When I kicked Chuck out, I was sure I was done with men for awhile. I was wrong. What's wrong with me that I always have a guy I'm interested in? I'm 28 years old but feel like I'm 16 in that department. Ugh. Anyhoo, there's a guy in my class that I'm totally head over heels for. We sit next to each other and talk almost the entire class, flirt (silly stuff like draw each other goofy pictures and put stickers on each other), and he's actually my age which doesn't happen a whole lot. And he is GORGEOUS. And built. And funny. And smart. It doesn't get much better than that. He always waits for me after class and we walk to our cars together. For the class if we go see the movie Walle and write about it we can get extra credit. I sucked it up last night and asked him if he wanted to go see it with me after class tomorrow. Everyone cross your fingers that he says yes. Am I stupid, or does it seem like he may be interested by all the stupid little things in class? Or am I just getting my hopes up? Wednesday is our final, so after that I won't see him, unless I run into him on campus. I emailed him about movie times, so I hope he gets back to me with a big fat YES.

1 comment:

Chastity said...

I wouldn't be comfortable with allowing Beth to babysit after that either, so I definitely think you're feelings were justified. Of course, I understand why you had to go ahead and leave P with her that night, as you had no other option. I'm sure things in general would be fine, but the "what ifs" would plague my mind. Also, I'm no potty training expert, as L is no where near fully trained, but I know for a fact that that form of potty training is dangerous. My cousin was very hard on his son during training, and the kid was so scared to have an accident that he just stopped pooping altogether...and got very sick from having all that crap (literally) backing up.

Also, I think the guy definitely likes you. It's been nearly ten years since I had to deal with dating and wondering whether or not a guy liked me, but my experience was alway that if I had an instinct that a guy liked me then he probably did. Go for it!!