Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Feeling like crud

Man, I feel like crap today. Sore throat and exhausted. This will be the SIXTH time in SIX months that P and I have gotten sick. I'm not really sure if she's sick or not. We went to visit my dad this weekend, and the entire drive home (2 hours) she had huge gobs of snot falling out of her nose. Yesterday she was in an awful mood, but I figured she wasn't feeling well. Screamed and screamed when I dropped her off at the sitter, but seemed fine last night and this morning, yet she screamed and cried this morning as well. This is all new, as she's always been fine when I left, but this has started the last few weeks. I'm really concerned that it's because she's carted everywhere, between me, her dad, having grandma visit for a few weeks, going out of town to see my family. I'm hoping that she'll get back to normal soon.

I have court in one week. I'm not sure if this is actually the actual divorce or just a pre-trial, but I really hope that it'll be the end. I'm so tired of this. Then I can say I'm a free woman! Although I have no interest in dating, also because I've got some pretty high standards for myself now. I don't want to date just to date, I am only going to date if I feel it's something that would actually work out. So far I haven't met anyone like that, just guys that want to play around. I remember when I got married I thought that I was so happy that I wouldn't ever have to date again. Seeing as I never thought I'd get divorced.

I'm too tired to even bitch about stuff. Let me think about it.


Chastity said...

High standards is always a good idea with anything. I hope that this is all over very soon so you can get started on the rest of your life!

angie said...

Just take one day at a time. Focus on yourself and Paisley. One day when you're least expecting the right one will come along and sweep you off your feet :) It usually happens when you aren't looking for it!

angie said...

And BTW - get better!!!