Saturday, April 12, 2008

Last night

Ahhh, the pleasures of not having girlie around (I try to look at the positive rather than dwell on the fact that my heart literally aches to not have her here), I got up 30 minutes ago. At 11:45. Meaning I slept for 12 hours. Sooooo nice. Now I have 2 days ahead of me to do WHATEVER I WANT. No Dumbo, no Cinderella. Pizza and candy for lunch. Naps. Showers.

Okay, so last night. This guy I asked, Joel. Nice guy, I sit next to him in a teaching class and we chat during it a bit. That means I usually only see his side profile. A few details, he's 30, he was an medic in the army for 6 years, messed up his foot and got out. He lives in the dorms. Yes, you're reading this right. He's 30 and he's living in the dorms. He borrowed his roommate's car to come here tonight. I pull up to the restaurant IHOP, classy all the way, I love that place, and he was waiting outside. I was already dreading this, but was trying to suck it up. I almost didn't recognize him when I got to him, as his hair was SLICKED BACK WITH GEL. Like the guys out of Grease. Also, he had tried to bleach it himself a few weeks back, but ended up with orange spots. Seriously, there are SPOTS. Why the hell is not redying it? He looks like a fucking leopard. So anyway, we sit down and I'm across from him and I've never really seen him face on, and I was a little surprised. This guy is not attractive. At all. And I know I know, it wasn't supposed to be a date, but it was just weird. And it was just uncomfortable. Awkward. I try to ask him some questions, and he started talking about how he was a medic in the army. That's very honorable, so I asked him about some of his experiences and he told me a story about having to deliver a baby. It was some lady in the field teaching others how to shoot, and her water broke. He proceeded to tell me how he knew what to do, got some shoelaces and sterilized scissors and took care of it. I asked how long it took from the time her water broke until that baby was born. 30 minutes. Ummm, I know that's possible, but fairly rare. I asked him if he cut the placenta and told me how he debated about it but did it and kind of explained about how he knew to cut 6 inches from the placenta. He didn't even know what the word for placenta was. In my mind I'm thinking, this guy is full of shit. He is totally making this up. I pretended to him that it was a cool story, but I still think it's a crock of shit. Too much like a movie. I could be wrong but...I doubt it. My gut instinct is usually right. He starts to tell me about how surprised he was that I added him to Facebook, and that I asked him to go with me. I didn't mention that he was my last resort. I asked him about how his profile and how it was all about him looking for a relationship (in a really desperate way). I told him straight up that I had ONLY asked him as a friend. I was going through a really bad divorce and the last thing I need is a relationship. Don't have the time nor energy to waste in that right now. Honestly, his face fell a little and I felt really bad. He told me that he didn't think I'd be interested in him but he was kind of hoping, but he understood. At this point I feel really badly. Poor guy.

On to the theater. We really aren't making small talk, get our seats and wait. At this point I've been trying to call AH so that I can tell girlie good night. He doesn't answer which started to piss me off because he HAS to let me talk to her. It's in the legal contract. While we waited for the show I try calling about 4 times. No answer. I'm getting pissed. Show starts and it's really good. It's called Gypsy. I'd never heard of it before but it looked really cool. During intermission I try calling AH again. Still no answer. I call my mom in law and aske her if she's talked to him. She hasn't, but then she tries to tell me how sometimes he turns off his phone or charging it. You do not have to turn your phone off to charge it! There are very few times that a cell phone needs to be off! Excuses! Then I ask her if she's talked to AH about me seeing Karen and her husband for breakfast Sunday. She hasn't. Then she asks what I'm doing for lunch Monday, and SHE could meet me then. Not THEY. I have 1 hour for lunch, including the time it takes me to get to and from work. I already have a tutoring apointment set up for that time for my stats class as I have a test on Wednesday. I'm now really upset that I won't get to see my FIL as well, as he doesn't seem to even want to see me. I start getting really abrupt with Karen, and I told her not to worry about, go have her weekend with girlie. So she says, oh, we'll work something out. I was so upset I just said, no, just go have your weekend with them. I was not being very nice at this point. I almost just wanted to hang up on her, and I told her I had to go, and she said "I love you" as she always had, and I just said bye and hung up. And started crying. Went back to the theater and tried to hide it (luckily I was in the back row in the first seat by the door). Joel kept trying to talk to me and finally realized that I was upset and of course I started full on crying. I told him what happened and he was really sympathetic. That helped me stop crying and then watch the end of the show. By that point I felt really bad about being bitchy to him and started apologizing. He was really cool about it and said I could always talk to him if I needed. So I get in my car and leave. I'm such a bitch, I felt really bad.

2 weeks ago I was going to a movie and dinner with an old friend. He's actually my "rebound" guy, started seeing him right after AH moved out. Nice guy and all, but totally not my type. He's a country boy, likes stuffed animals (not toys, real animals that he's killed) in his house. Has poor grammar, which drives me, the English major, bonkers, ( I know the way I type doesn't prove this, but I'm trying to write this the way I'd actually say it). He has to ask me what some of the words I say mean. He is so incredibly nice though and tries so hard to make me happy, but it's just not right. We honestly have nothing to talk about. So I ended it back in November, but we still talk and are "friends with benefits." C'mon, everyone has needs, right? So back to 2 weeks ago, we went to dinner and then we're going to the movies and I start crying. I think he said something like I seemed quiet or not talking, which pissed me off because I had been trying to make conversation during dinner and he hadn't helped. So I start crying and don't really want to go to a movie. He takes me home and I go in and go to bed. I'm just pathetic.

So that's my story in a nutshell. I know it probably doesn't sound like much to anyone else, but it was just such a shitty night for me. Wah wah wah. Poor me.

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