Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where does the time go???

How is it August already? Mid-august at that. Why is school starting? I really feel like my life is just FLYING by. I'm not really enjoying this feeling, either. Girlie is almost 3? What the crap? Although in December I will probably think time can't go fast enough.

I only have one more week of work left, before I start school. I'm both excited and nervous about this. I haven't been a full time student in such a long I keep thinking about all the homework I'll have to do. No more coming home and not having to do anything, not being able to leave it at work for tomorrow. I'm going to miss my job too. I do really enjoy it, but I know I need to do this. I can't work at a desk job the rest of my life. Especially with school starting next week, I'll really miss it. That's always the best time, when everyone's coming back, I get to see the students, a lot of whom I consider friends now.

So on to the hootchy mama part of me. About 1.5 weeks, I was emailing this guy who works in my building. Really tall, athletic, handsome, wears dress pants and shirts to work everyday. Good lookin'. We have always been extremely flirty with each other, emails that I wouldn't really want anyone else to see, etc. Catch is, he has a long-term girlfriend whom he lives with. Our emailing goes in spurts, sometimes a couple times a day, sometimes not for weeks at a time. Somehow we ended up a few weeks ago talking, and talking about sex. Like, us having sex. We had always flirted with the idea, but I never thought it would happen because of his girlfriend. When we first met, I had THE BIGGEST crush on him. Nothing happened though and it just turned into a friendship. My friend Becky had told me at one point that he had cheated on his gf before with one of Becky's friends, so I assumed he wasn't perfect. Anyway...we decided to meet. At work. In a lab in the basement. And we did. And we had sex. On the floor of a lab, which was NOT comfy or sexy. It just hurt. It was over in less than 1o minutes, and that was too long! It wasn't good. I think the idea of it was better than actually doing it. Me, being the bitch that I am, said after, "oh shit, maybe we should of used a condom!" The look on his face? Priceless. Then I said I was kidding, and that I was on the pill.

I don't know if all this was because I really wanted sex (I don't think so), or if I needed to prove something to myself. Prove that I'm not disgusting, as hubby made me feel? Prove that I'm not an old-woman? Prove something to that guy? I don't know. And the guy? Who I once had a major crush on? Yeah, no feelings whatsoever. Let him go home to his girlfriend. I asked my friend who knew about his infidelity exactly what had happened, and it turned out that all it was was he and some girl had been texting for awhile until he felt bad and cut it off. Oh, I thought it had been more than that.

I'm not going into the rest of my whory self right now. Gotta go be a mommy and put girlie to bed.


Emma in Canada said...

Wow! What a first post to read!

And sex on a hard floor? I agree, so not comfy!

Chastity said...

Oh my goodness....not what I was expecting!! You've gotta keep us updated on these things, lol!