Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Whoring it up

Man, so much is going on, and I'm constantly wanting to update, but I have NO TIME. Get up at 5:15, get ready, get girlie ready (which at 3 takes forfuckingever), drive 30 minutes to town, drop her at daycare, go to work/or school, pick her up around 5, drive 30 minutes home, make dinner, bathe her, get ready for bed, put her down at 7:30, try to do some homework before falling asleep...I'm constantly exhausted. Poor poor pity me.

Remember the guy at my old job named Adam, the one who I had sex with in the lab? He's hot. Really tall and athletic. Remember he had a girlfriend of 3 years? Remember they lived together? Her friend even tried to add me on facebook because I guess she saw some email between Adam and me. Luckily it was pretty innocent. Needless to say, I didn't add her. I just looked at his facebook profile-he's engaged. All the pictures of him proposing, and now they're going to Vegas together. 2 Months after our tryst. That bothers me. A lot. At first I didn't care about the girl, but now I feel really bad for her. I really hope she never finds out, and I hope he never does it again. I don't even know what to think about it.

There's also Mike. My rebound guy. It's been kind of off and on lately. He moved to a place about 40 minutes away, and he's always out of town for his lineman job. Lately I've been feeling that I want more out of the relationship, but it's just not working. Seeing each other once or twice a month is not good. He says he cares, but he's not really making an effort. So my period is late. It was supposed to come last Wednesday. Today's Tuesday? I've taken 2 tests though and they're both negative, which obviously is a relief. But at the same time I'm a little sad. I want a baby. Obviously this is not the right situation. My life is hard enough, I couldn't have a baby as well. I don't want to be with Mike forever. We wouldn't be happy. Who would want a girl who had 2 kids by 2 different guys? But at the same time, still a little disappointed. Well, we were fighting via text message AGAIN. I told him I was late and he asked me if I was lying! That pissed me off so I told him not to worry about it, I'd take care of whatever happened. That was Sunday, and I haven't heard from him since. He tried texting me a lot then but I just ignored him. Still, if I were him I would be just a little more than worried that he might be having a kid. Although I've been proven right about the shittiness of men, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Speaking of, Chuck? And Even? Left New Orleans because they hated it, and are now moving to Salt Lake. He's not coming back. Which is good, but pisses me off. What happened to him? Huge story about last week, but it'll be a story for later.

1 comment:

Chastity said...

You know, I'm sure it's going to sound evil, but I'd tell that guy's fiance. I figure that's not the popular thing to do, but I'd want to know. I used to work with a girl whose sister in law would come to my mom's salon and chat with the receptionist. She came in crying one day saying that my friend's fiance had tried to kiss her and that she was too scared to tell b/c her husband's family (my friend's parents) already hated her. I thought long and hard about telling my friend that her fiance was a horndog...but I didn't...and now they're divorced. I've always felt a little guilty about holding that back, but maybe it's b/c she was my friend.